IAmNaughty.com works with all possible scam weapons usually applied by Bulova network. If you know the things about the commercial extortion tools of this network, this will not be a big surprise. If you are new to the network, you will be shocked at how such a good-looking dating site can implement so fraudulent scamming features. For dating know-it-alls, this will not be a big surprise. Let’s find out more about IAmNaughty.com.
IAmNaughty.com Review
The main problems of IAmNaughty.com are with the fake messages and their commercial nature wrapped in various names:
- Activity Alerts
- Date Boosters
- Premium SMS Messages
- Group Companies
- Promoted and Custom Messages
Let look into more details with all these elements:
Why is IAmNaughty.com a Deceptive Dating Site
Users that get the option to send promoted messages will get them for free. However, users that get to receive them can’t read them unless they pay. This is a very clever way to manipulate users into payment upgrades because you’ll never know who was the person who got the opportunity for free messaging – it can be none of them!
IAmNaughty.com Works in a Group of Companies
The group companies under the umbrella of Bulova are just a way to sell extra memberships via the Date Booster packages. More home pages with the same member database mean just more chances to fool people. You are not getting more chances got getting laid – on the contrary, you are getting more chan
Here is the truth about the date booster offer. If you bring this into relation to the previous paragraph, it becomes even more obvious that you are having to do business with one huge scam – I hate this, and I’m sure you do, too.
IAmNaughty.com Uses False Messages Called Activity Alerts
The Activity Alerts are just computer-created messages with a fancy name. The computer content is made with the intention to lure users into greater engagement and buy upgraded memberships:
Price Tag
- $3.18 to purchase a 3-day trial package
- $24.49 to purchase a 1-month package
- $48.99 to purchase a 3-month package
- $83.94 to purchase a 6-month package
Busted or Trusted?
I wouldn’t trust IAmNaughty.com for the world. Not only because I know the scam methods of Bulova or because this is not the first time I meet with their network, but also from comparing this review tour with peer reviews. If you need more proof of the scam, you can read peer negative reviews and agree with us the IAmNaughty.com