FapChat.com is the Total Opposite of the Promised Selfie Heaven

Here is the promised land of selfies  – if you believe everything that you read on the Internet! We honestly hope that you don’t! This would be the likely outcome of what you’ve read so far on Adult Dating Patrol. For those who still don’t have a clue of how things work in the online dating world we’ve compiled this succinct review of FapChat.com to explain the important bits and pieces in more detail.


FapChat.com seems like a pretty original site with all its varied selfies dedicated to all sexual preferences. Is anyone really so welcome to this diverse dating site? Well, yes – more people engaged in looking for fake selfies mean more possibilities to take their money away from them, without giving anything in return. The ultra scam is obvious once you discover that the place is populated by Love Stars. And you know that they are a creation of Nautell and their newly invented companies:

Why is FapChat.com a Full-Blown Dating Scam

All those selfies are just images stolen from the Internet or stock photos – here is why.

 Love Stars Rip You Off With Fake Pics and Descriptions

For entertainment purposes, FapChat.com creates an army of false profiles. They look like real women. In fact, when the purpose of a site is to exchange naked selfies, I don’t see how this scam wouldn’t work, even better than the regular frauds that only involve chat messages. The “Love Stars” are marked with the symbol LS that stands next to their profile. If you want to test how they lie and act, just try and reply back – you=ll get nowhere without expensive upgrades!

Sending Computer-generated Messages

Emails and instant messages are created by software. As you can see, FapChat.com works with fake girls and with fake communications. These messages are so skillfully crafted that they look like real. They instantly provoke you to rush into that upgrade:

Price Tag

  • $2.97 for a 3-day trial.
  • $29.95 for a 1-month membership.
  • $74.85 for a 3-month membership.
  • $119.70 for a 6-month membership.

Busted or Trusted?

Is FapChat.com any good? If we judge by the rest of the scams pulled off by Nautell and their partnering sites, don’t expect any good to come out of it! Watch your step all the way since they use hidden charges. If you give them your card, you’re baked.

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