This website is the most luxurious of all my reviews I’ve done in the last couple of months. It’s about erotic massages in Canary Wharf, one of the top business centers in the world. It’s in a liberal area in the UK in central London where escort services are partially allowed. Some escort agencies, such as this one as well as this here, use different names and exotic websites to mask prostitution. You can call it in any way you like.
One thing is for sure – you can get anything from a massage to full-blown sex on this website and they don’t hide that. They have a range of services which are mainly about massages with erotic twists and the girls are Asian. Let’s find out more about the website in this Canary Wharf Erotic review.
The Complete Canary Wharf Erotic Report
The website has a cool and correct name. It is definitely for erotic services, mainly massages. If you’re thinking body-to-body massage, you’re correct. If you’re thinking happy ending massage, you’re correct again. So you can get anything from a simple massage to something more exotic like a nuru massage as well as the aptly called lingam massage of prostate massage. As you can see, it’s a smorgasbord of sensory services for rich clients in the famous office area Canary Wharf.
How to Avoid Scams on Escort Sites in Canary Wharf and Central London
Escort models are with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ethnicity. You can see how the girls look like and see the pictures under the “Girls” link. I assume that’s what just a rich businessman needs after a work day from hell. Many visitors who go to London for business are willing to check the services and often become victims of scams. Escort websites are a great place to get scammed.
Of course, the benefits go to the escort agencies. You have to be very careful when you book a massage via website or telephone numbers like the case it is in this Canary Wharf Erotic review.
Warning: No Clear Rate Disclosure on Canary Wharf Erotic!
The biggest problem is that you won’t be able to see the full cost for the services. If this is the case you can get ripped off at any point during the service. For example, you only just see the price for an outcall tantric massage service and not the rest of the full treatment.
We can all agree that the massage is only a small portion of the service cost and that if you go for the full experience which includes sex that will be at least 10 times more expensive than these basic fees of around £140 or £160 per hour.
Skip the Games of Fake Escort Agencies!
I’ve written many times about how clients skip listening to this advice and then understand that they need to pay much more than what was previously agreed. If you’re working in the Canary Wharf I guess you’re not going to be with a thin wallet. But you still wouldn’t want to pay for something that you didn’t agree to.
If you want to do this, go ahead, be my guest and pay hundreds of pounds for one night of great sex. In contrast, if you want to look for an alternative, check our guide to free legitimate dating sites which offers almost identical experience with no fees included.