Smooci Review: The European Escort App

When I’m doing online reviews I’m never sure what I am going to find. But I know that the greatest dangers lie in distant places because if I fail in my pursuits to find a hookup date, I won’t be able to get my justice. Who is going to take care of the mess if the service is thousands of miles away? That’s the problem I ran into today because I’m investigating Smooci, an escort site that caters to users in Hong Kong, Singapore, Manilla, and Bangkok.

You know – the exotic locations, where the wildest sex happens, but also where many people get robbed, get an STD or even end up dead!

East Asia Escorts on Demand @ Smooci?

Sorry to be a party pooper, but that really happens! I know that people go on holidays and are more prone to risk. What I don’t understand is how and why they mingle with paid escort agencies. Everyone is laid back on holidays and you can easily get laid for free.

Even if you don’t, it’s much better to look for adult dating sites than to pay for sex and end up with the worst case of the clap.

Here is why I wouldn’t recommend using Smooci.  

4 Locations Only

Basically, you are up for finding someone only in the four giant Asian metropolitans. This is not a bad choice in itself. All these cities have millions of citizens and can provide ample opportunities for sex.

Smooci limited locations

But if you are far away, on the other side of the world, you can get into big troubles when you “order” a girl from a website. Who will keep your back and guarantee the verity of the models? I know there are many super-hot Asian girls.

However, it’s impossible to have them all look like they have come from a Miss World catalogue. I totally disbelieve that all those photos are real.

Girls Found on Lingerie Sites

This next point confirmed my suspicions from the previous section. I checked a couple of the photos to see if the models are authentic. Though I must admit that many of them were original, I found a significant number that points to different sources such as lingerie sites and model sites. This is only a part of the risk and the minimal one. You may end up with an unattractive girl, but the biggest problem is how much you will pay for her.

750 Dollars for 4 Hours

This is a huge fee, even for a European VIP escort. Most of the models have fees that go up to

6,00o or even 7,000 Hong Kong dollars for a few hours, which is almost $800-$900 USD. You see the problems you can create for yourself? Instead of spending that money on a lavish Thai holiday, you will pay for low-rate sex. On adult dating sites, you can have a chat, ask for more pictures and see if the woman is really who she says is. The chances of being played are much lower if you are careful, even non-existent.

Smooci: Spot for Smooth Criminals

You don’t need me to tell you that Smooci can be very dangerous if you try using it. Did you know that some Thai laws enforce a death penalty for drug crimes? You should keep an eye on how are you hanging out with and find your hookups on real dating sites.

Infographic: Smooci Review

Infographic Smooci Review

2 thoughts on “Smooci Review: The European Escort App”

  1. Strange article. I’ve used Smooci several times in Bangkok and once in Manila, and it’s a real game changer. I’ll be using it on my next trip for sure. It’s not really a replacement for going out to the bars/gogos and finding a date, but for straight up encounters this is the best service I’ve ever found (globally).

    It’s so much safer and more reliable. It’s great for a site like Smooci to be genuinely and actively concerns about escort AND client safety. I think what they are doing is amazing and I encourage any mongerer to give their service a try. I just wish they’d also launch this in Europe, we desperately need it out here.

    • Agreed 100% safe good. The girl I choose, yeah less glamour than shopped pictures but it’s her. Hey anyone use it beyond Asia??


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