The Most Overrated Company to Follow in the Adult Dating Industry

If you are really into milfs, you may have heard about the sites with good reputation that have gained an advantage before the others only because they have spent a lot of money on advertising or because they know all dirty tricks that work with inexperienced users. In that case, you may have heard about and this is why we need to take care of them before they make even a greater mess with their false claims of supremacy.

The Authenticity of Matures For Fuck

First of all, let me debunk a critical fact – is just a copy of the websites that are in ownership of L Date – and if you haven’t heard of L Date until now, then you are obviously not having too much experience with Adult Dating Patrol or with other reviewers. L Date is a really well-organized company that have a wide array of fraudulent methods. Let’s go step by step and inspect some of their tricks so that you get some sense of perspective.

Why is an Online Dating Scam

  • This website is a platform for selling services.

The cam services are placed along with the other dating profiles. So, this website has made a dishonest service that mixes regular women with cam models and can confuse customers about who is who. You may think that you are chatting with a real person, and instead of that, you are chatting with someone who are charging fees for texts, tokens and extra products:

MaturesforFuck Cam Services

  • is sending automatic Activity Alerts.

These notifications are created automatically to make customers think that something very exciting is happening on the site – but that a false assumption. The purpose of the activity alerts is to send commercials, promotions and different types of materials that only serve the benefits of They do nothing for the members except for confusing them of what is possible and what is not:

MaturesforFuck Activity Alert

  • is just an e-commerce site masked as a dating service.

I hope that you are not an easy pray for nice looks and no essence because if you are, you will be an easy prey for scammers who wrap their trickery in nice, pink, shiny foil. If you only scratch the surface you will miss the key elements of which are actually stated at the back of the site, in the Terms of Use. If only we had the time to read all that – you may think. And you are right if you don’t but I do and you can get a short version of the scam in these reviews. Just check the options for selling on – you can pay for SMS services, for Date Boosters and for Promoted Account messages:

MaturesforFuck various services

Price Tag

  • $4.07 for a three-day deal
  • $35.64 for a one-month deal
  • $59.79 for a three-month deal
  • $93.86 for a six-month deal

Busted or Trusted

I honestly don’t see how come people think that is a great service. This is perhaps the best proof of the importance of commercials – they can be real brain-washers.  It is easy to fall for the scam when it is accompanied with nice words. This seriously overrated service is a real scam and doesn’t deserve a little bit of your attention.

2 thoughts on “ The Most Overrated Company to Follow in the Adult Dating Industry”

  1. What hook up site or sites are legit.
    No bots , no fake profiles,.
    Just real people who want sex.
    I can’t find one . Can you tell me please.

  2. Not worth spending time and money on this site.
    I had a lots of chats with posible girls with erotic pictures and videos and none of them were DTF ! Just weird chatting like a guy would ask the girls on the phone / sexting to jerk off.


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