It’s Not as Free as You Think

Does “free lifetime” sound familiar? If it does, then you will have already recognized the same scam applied in a similar way on other similar dating sites. If it doesn’t, you will fall a victim to the “nice” fact that you can find online quick dates on Will you be able to arrange a hot sex date? This fraudulent dating service that only plagiarizes the same name over and over again, hoping to catch some fresh fish as usual.


You don’t really need a professional dating expert to acknowledge the scam on If you have been following the reviews on Adult Dating Patrol you know the drill. It only takes one second of opening,, and to see that they are all the same.

These fraudsters think it is enough to add another suffix to a name and spin in it a bit to engage different chunk of the audience. The point is to capture a particular sexual interest and entice them to join in. We are here to tell you that although “free lifetime” sounds good in theory, it doesn’t work in reality.

Why is a Fake Dating Service

After you see that eye-popping banner on the opening page, the truth is, once you are into the activity center, you won’t find anything spectacular. There is nothing for free. You actually need to provide a credit card right after the basic signup. Then you must agree to participate in the entertainment offered by the fake profiles called Love Stars.

  • makes false promises for free memberships and uses fabricated profiles.

If you choose not to give your credit card details, you will not be able to access messages. Do you know how the Love Stars entertain you? They do so by selling you upgrades! So, you are put between a rock and a hard place. You have no choice but to give your details if you want to continue using the site. Otherwise, you can just leave and say goodbye to the personal details you gave to the site:

freelifetime web crush signup form

  • sells your private information.

What happens to your data after you leave? That may be the least you will be tricked by this dishonest dating service. But it is not by any means the least of all evils! You will never know how it turns up in the end. There are different types of identity crimes the web. This is why does not seem like a trustworthy adult dating website:

Here are the ways they will deal with your email info:

Risky Quote #1

“…Site has your permission to collect your email address and all personal information you supply relating to that email address”.

Risky Quote #2

“…Site has your permission to disclose and transfer your email address and all other personal information you supply to its parent companies, affiliated and related companies, affiliates, agents and service providers to promote and/or provide goods and services.”

Risky Quote #3

“…Site has your permission to share your email address and all other personal information you supply with its third party marketing partners so they may send you offers and promotions which you may find of interest, either by email, direct mail, or SMS.”

  • Revocation of free memberships at any time. 

In the end, even if you just leave your details and do not go for the upgrades, you are still at the risk of having your free membership getting canceled and getting charged with an upcoming rate:

FreeLifetimeWebCrush reserves the right to offer free membership to any person(s) of their choice at any given time, for any duration, while charging other members, at the same time. FreeLifetimeWebCrush also reserves the right to cancel the FREE trial period or membership at any time, for all or any of its members.

Price Tag

  • $49.95 for a monthly membership to
  • $39.61 for a monthly membership to
  • $28.87 for a monthly membership to

Busted or Trusted is not worthy of your time. All it does is collecting personal details, pestering with upgrades, stop you from sending and receiving messages, lets you talk to fake women and uploads commercials and annoying ads that have nothing to do with finding a date with a cute real girl. It can also be very risky and very expensive if you forget to check subscription charges in detail and go straight for “Yes, I agree”. Read, and then double read the provisions of any adult dating site you are joining in.

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